directed by Álvaro Viguera



It is a play that arises through a simple and fragmented writing. I looked for something that could unite organically to urban beings that inhabit a space in parallel, observing each other without knowing that they do it. A menu of the day, a simple meal makes them come together in a daily landscape.
Their imagination will save you

In a city four characters meet daily. Everyday, they greet each other.Once in solitude, they smile, they talk, they imagine. In a desperate attempt to be part of something they create their own universe of relationships that fails to modify their routines.They will secretly try to love each other.Once in society, everything will return to the be the same.Something makes them, in silence, feel that it is time to shout.Only their loneliness will listen to them. The Menu of the day is the only thing they have in common.



Dramaturgy y direction: Álvaro Viguera
Cast: Natalia Grez, Marión Acuña, Rodrigo Lisboa, Cristóbal Muhr
Integral desing: Teatro Ensimenor


Premiere: Arcis Theater School Room, 2002